雅思考试必背14种高分变幻写作句型 您所在的位置:网站首页 雅思作文 句型 雅思考试必背14种高分变幻写作句型


2023-06-21 18:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Oddly enough(奇怪的是,类似也可以写strangely enough), most people seem to enjoy saying which ones are bad, and then say some are slightly better.

The consumption of food and clothing came down after 1980. Similarly, fuel prices fell quite considerably.

In terms of(就……而言) technology, their adult world will be changing constantly.

Struggling in poverty, people in these countries believe international aid is essential and should be continued.(分词放在句首)

B 句中插入短语


This will affect the job market, which, after all, is a key target in any economic plan.

Sports stars and pop stars, for example, are soon replaced by the next younger, more energetic generation.

C 句尾用短语结束


A person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect.(请注意respect 在这里不是“尊敬”的意思,而是指“某方面”,也可以用in this regard 来表达)

A sense of fulfillment (成就感) is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to society or the economy as a whole.

A child will learn to interact with different people and some children learn to communicate very early because of this.

D 善用副词


It often seems that the amount of money they are able to earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified(站得住脚的) by the amount of work they do.

Teachers continually(持续地) complain about this problem and measures should be taken to combat(解决) the situation.

A product's success cannot be solely(仅仅) attributed to its advertising.

Some people may argue that such new technology can help children to develop physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Ideally, all the weapons of mass destruction should be eliminated(消除,消灭), but in reality, the elimination of such weapons would cause serious national security concerns.


上……”,对应的地道英文表达有:in theory, /theoretically, /hypothetically.… But in practice,/but in actuality,/but realistically,…

E 倒装句


Only in this way can this problem be effectively solved.

Strange as it may seem, parents' attention sometimes hinders(阻碍) students' academic development.

Equally important to success in learning a foreign language is constant

attention to details.

Be it Clint Eastwood, David Beckham or Gordon Brown, one individual cannot have done all alone what seems to have been achieved by himself.(这里的be it…是一种很特殊的倒装形式,即使是指人也用it,意思是:不管是……,在英式英语中时常可见)

F 强调句

用it is … that … 或者it is … Who … 这两种强调句式,类似于中文的“正是……导致……”的意思。请看例句:

It is the interaction(相互影响) of the two that shapes a person's personality and dictates how that personality develops.

However, it is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries. (请注意这个例句里的those who 中的这个who 并不是强调句的标志词,后一个who 才是。是不是听起来有点像绕口令,汗…….)

G 虚拟语气



Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.

If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born. (请注意在虚拟语气中,this 和that 后面都用were 而不是was)

H 长短句结合



There have to be fixed punishments for all crimes. However, criminal laws have to provide certain cases of exemptions(赦免).

Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect.

Of course, not everyone enjoys their work. Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job they can get. In some cases, an employee is working in a job that suits neither their skills nor their personality.

I 主被动交替

在国外大学里,一些有洁癖的“叫兽”们非常反对在学术文章中使用被动语态。但对雅思作文这种比较短小的essay 来说,被动语态仍然是实现句式多样化的好方法之一。更多essay写作技巧阅读:www.pnstudy.com


Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyalty(忠诚)to a team.

Such professionals should be much better appreciated and better paid.

In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required.


J 词性转变

剑桥的范文作为IELTS 范文中的极品,经常会使用同一个单词的不同形式来获得多样的效果。认真发掘后发现剑桥范文中的词性改变方法竟然达到了三种:



People are concerned(担心) because traditional values are gradually disappearing.


People are concerned about the gradual disappearance of traditional values.



Some individuals have no intention of fulfilling their responsibilities as parents.


Some individuals have no intention of fulfilling their parental responsibilities.


-al 是英文里一个常见的词汇后缀。虽然有少数不是形容词的特性(比如denial 是一个名词,而professional 有时候也可以当成名词来使用),但大多数用-al 结尾的单词都是形容词。下面这几个词也是以-al 结尾的形容词,在雅思作文中相当常用:environmental, governmental, societal (比social 正式,在书面语中很常用),biological 和technological。



Telecommuting(在家远程上班)can bring numerous benefits(n.) to both employees and employers.


Both employees and employers can benefit from telecommuting.


Telecommuting is beneficial to both employees and employers.


Both employees and employers can be beneficiaries(受益者) of telecommuting.

这一组则是在名词、动词、形容词和名词的派生词之间进行的游刃有余的转换。类似的也可以有There is a difference(n.) between…—> be different(adj.) from —>differ(vi.) from 这样的连续转换。

K 通过比较制造变化

剑桥范文中还经常通过比较不同事物来调动一些特殊句型,比如too…to…(太……而不能……);The + 比较级, the +比较级等。这些句型大家早就学过,但却“不屑”于在雅思写作文中使用,而在这方面,剑桥考官们却是绝对的实用主义者。


For example, the population of some islands is too small to have normal schools.

Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland, education authorities(当局)have been able to use the Internet to deliver(输送) schooling.

The more relaxed the learners, the better their language acquisition(语言习得).(这个特殊句式的一大特色是可以省略掉句中的谓语)返回搜狐,查看更多






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